





Quality Control


  • Oileia Olivares Alternativos SL offers innovative solutions in olive growing.
  • With a team of specialists with proven experience in various fields such as biotechnology, genetics and agronomy, among other fields.
  • And modern facilities and equipment for the execution of our R + D + i projects.
  • Oileia applies modern cultivation techniques and advanced technologies in order to obtain the greatest benefit from the available genetic and natural resources, and offers individualized solutions.
  • Oileia also evaluates autochthonous and/or traditional varieties, with great potential and added value, to create new olive growing models more in line with current demands and conditions.


  • Oileia proposes olive cultivation as a profitable option to traditional crops.
  • It relies for this, on the one hand on recovered varieties, and on the other on new varieties, the result of genetic improvement plans.
  • We design profitable alternatives for those regions where olive growing is marginal, but with great productive potential thanks to the application of the latest advances in science and technology.
  • For this reason, we have developed new production systems more suitable for these regions.

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Quality Control

  • Oileia follows a dynamic quality control process, in which all components and phases are interrelated.
  • The operation of Oileia is also guided by the establishment of OSPs (Operational Standard Procedures) which allows better quality control of all processes and products.
  • This system respects national quality standards in all the processes it performs such as:
    • Plant production.
    • The development of our research projects.
    • In the application of comprehensive management systems at all levels of our production or scientific system, such as: the environment, occupational health and safety, data protection, etc.


Human activity, in its quest to meet current needs, often compromises the ability of future generations to meet their own, creating adverse effects on the environment such as:

  • Loss of biodiversity.
  • Erosion, desertification and destruction of forests.
  • Air and waterpollution.
  • The increase in thegreenhouseeffect.

To further reduce the footprint that remains after our passage, Oileia:

  • Establishes internal rules aimed at the rational use of resources.
  • Complies with international regulations, such as ISO 14001 as a working guide.
  • It encourages the increase of biodiversity by creating and introducing new genotypes adapted to survive in adverse soil and climate conditions.

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