Aptitude test
Plantation design
Technical assistance
Pruning and shape pruning
Agronomic analysis
Plant sale
Oil characterization
- It groups together a set of techniques for cloning selected genotypes.
- It is carried out under aseptic conditions, the maintenance of genetic identity is guaranteed, and materials of the highest sanitary quality are obtained.
- Large volumes of plants are obtained in a short time and in a small space.
- Better efficiency than other techniques such as grafting, staking and layering.
- Considerable decrease in production and sales costs, especially for those species that are difficult to propagate by other means of vegetative reproduction.
- The Olive Tree can be cultivated in almost any part of the peninsula, within its ecological range.
- For this, it is necessary to consider the location and characteristics of the plot to know if the crop is viable and determine the expected profitability.
- An aptitude test is required, with which our experts will determine the viability of the crop, its profitability and will proceed to establish the bases of the exploitation project.
- The olive tree is a woody species, and its cultivation is long-lasting.
- Therefore, it requires detailed planning in the phase prior to establishing a plantation.
- This maximizes their potential and avoids errors that will be difficult to correct in the future, will delay their entry into production, will generate low uniformity of the plants and will increase production costs.
The design of a plantation (definition of blocks, density of plantation, orientation and length of the rows, etc.) depends on multiple factors that must be carefully studied, and to which Oileia pays attention:
- Soil
- Weather
- Terrain topography
- Exposition
- Water availability
- Degree of mechanization, etc.
- Oileia offers a wide number of services grouped into two areas: production and research.
- Our technicians are in direct contact with our clients and collaborators to detect their needs.
- We design custom action plans, to achieve optimal development and maximum profitability.
- We establish agreements with different collaborators to carry out different research programs and test lines in the vast majority of aspects involved in olive cultivation./li>
- Pruning is a very important activity, which determines the future and profitability of a farm.
- It must be carried out precisely and with well-defined technical criteria.
- Oileia, through its team of technicians, offers pruning and consulting services to guide our clients.
- We rely on tests that we have carried out on each of our varieties.
- The main objective of shape pruning is to shape the tree, and maintenance pruning is to adjust and guarantee the maintenance of regular and constant production.
- It is an annual activity, dynamic and complex, that needs to be defined with precision and technical criteria, and that adjusts to the different parameters of each plantation:
- Location.
- Variety.
- Planting frame
- Amount of annual wather supplied, etc.
- The use of pollinators is not necessary in regions where olive cultivation is widely spread.
- Varieties that act as pollinators are required in regions with higher rainfall rates and relative humidity, and lower levels of solar radiation and temperatures during the flowering season.
- The pollinator to be used, its proportion and location within the plantation must be determined.
- This will depend on many factors: main variety, plantation design, prevailing winds, etc.
- The exploitation and rational use of resources facilitates a greater development of the plants and a better management of the exploitation.
- More importantly, it allows to reduce production costs and increase profitability of the operation.
- For this reason, Oileia offers you the following services:
- Analysis of irrigation water
- Soil analysis
- Foliar analysis
- Determination of water stress by Scholander pump
- Oilea markets seedlings obtained according to their rooting capacity by cutting, either by fogging or by tissue culture.
- We offer seedlings with a genetic guarantee and free of pathogens, thanks to the strict genetic and sanitary controls to which the propagated material is subjected.
- Oileia has a germplasm bank made up of commercial varieties of wide use, as well as experimental varieties in trial phase, which are offered in different formats.
- For more details consult our experts.
For more details consult our experts.